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San Diego County
Co-Dependents Anonymous

San Diego CoDA's phone line is 1 (619) 310-4392

Twelfth Step Service Opportunities

If you are ready to do twelfth step service work, please consider service to the San Diego County CoDA Community. The Community supports the individual CoDA meetings in San Diego County by providing some of the following:

These benefits happen because someone has stepped forward to give of their time, knowing that service is part of recovery.

There is fellowship and a sense of fulfillment that comes from making an appreciable contribution to something outside of oneself. Some offices, or positions, take less time than others, but become tailored to the needs of the person filling the position.

Opportunity for twelfth step work is knocking at your door. Will you answer it?

Twelfth Step Service at Hospitals and Institutions (H&I)

Hospitals and Institutions needs volunteers to "...carry the message to other co-dependents...who desire healthy and loving relationships." San Diego’s H & I serves to carry the message of recovery to codependents confined in San Diego’s jails. Anonymous pen-pal opportunities available. For more information or to volunteer, email our H&I Chairperson, Frank at