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San Diego County
Co-Dependents Anonymous

San Diego CoDA's phone line is 1 (619) 310-4392

San Diego County CoDA is Self-Supporting

Co-Dependents Anonymous of San Diego County provides services to all registered CoDA groups in San Diego County and supports neighboring CoDA groups. We also support the co-dependents who still suffer by providing a monthly newsletter, local phone line, website, literature sales, outreach, and events, including those like Super Seminar Saturday.

The Seventh Tradition states: A CoDA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

We depend on Seventh Tradition donations to provide its member services.

Seventh Tradition Form:
In Acrobat PDF format 7th-Tradition-SDCCoDA.pdf
In MS Word       format 7th-Tradition-SDCCoDA.doc

Suggested donations are as follows:

60% to San Diego County CoDA
Co-Dependents Anonymous San Diego County
P0 Box 720064
San Diego, CA 92172-0064
Venmo account direct link OR SanDiegoCoDA-Community Email:
Zelle account:

20% to SoCal CoDA
Southern Californa CoDA
10866 Washington Blvd. #1266
Culver City, CA 90232
Zelle account:

20% to CoDA World
Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.
7375 East 6th Ave Suite 9
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Zelle account:
If you wish to use PaypPal, please go to the Donation Page

Thank you for your contribution.